Thank you, Patty

???? by Shelby Wood, on behalf of the CommunityCare of Lyme Team and the Lyme Community????

Shared 3/13/24

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.
– Dr. Seuss

Dr. Seuss may not have had the privilege to know Patty Jenks, though this quote captures the impact one caring person, like Patty, can have. Lyme has been made a whole awful lot better because of Patty. I like to joke that Patty is magical. If I’m being completely honest, I’m not really joking, she is. For over forty-years, Patty has been Lyme’s fairy godmother. The town office has benefited from her sparkly fairy dust, as have Lyme residents who have confided in her as town clerk, neighbor, and friend. I’m sure we all have an experience (or several) to share, where Patty has worked some of her magic, and … bippity-boopty-boo … things work out! They say you can create your own luck. Well, Patty creates her own magic, through her strong will, creativity, commitment to seeing the best in people, and extraordinarily hard work. We could all come up with more positive adjectives … and we all might still underestimate just how much Patty puts into caring for us all.

In my own life, she’s helped me find stability when it seemed like everything was falling apart. About two years ago I found myself needing to find housing in the Upper Valley that would allow me to keep my two rescue dogs, and that I could afford. You probably understand that’s a tall order. Nearly impossible, actually. Not for Patty though. Patty threw her sparkly, magic Patty dust, and something in Lyme fell into place. She may not even realize the impact that has had on my life, but it’s been huge. At least once a week when I talk with my parents they ask how she’s doing, because we are all aware she was a large part in making this needle-in-the-haystack apartment fall into place. My example is just one of countless scenarios where Patty has saved the day.

Patty has been a leader of CommunityCare of Lyme since 2017, and before that was an inspiration and guide for the organization. She is now Chief Community Advocate and Trustee of the Jenks Fund, launched in memory of Jim and Ethan Jenks and in honor of Patty. She is the heart and soul of the organization – something that will not go away.

Modern times are so full and ever-changing. It can be hard to see the impact that one individual makes. Yet, Patty is the quintessential example of how one person’s kindness, generosity, care, compassion and love can change an entire community for the better. In her service role as town clerk, in her role as friend, in her role as neighbor, in her role as colleague, and in her role as mentor, Patty’s deep roots and love for Lyme and its people shine through.

Recognition at Lyme Town Meeting

On Tuesday, March 12th, at the beginning of Patty’s last Town Meeting, Kevin Peterson, town moderator, expressed his – and the whole town’s – appreciation. If you missed the meeting, or if you’d like to revisit the words Kevin shared, please click here.

Share your well-wishes with Patty!

Please join the growing number of townspeople who are sharing thoughts, memories, or gratitude with Patty. If you didn’t take the opportunity at town meeting, or if you have more to say, drop a note into one of the  sparkly “Thank You Patty” boxes at the Library, Post Office/Lyme Hardware entry, and Lyme Country Store. Jot a note (with your name) and pop it into one of the boxes.  You may also add a note here. CommunityCare of Lyme will consolidate all of the wishes to share with Patty.  If you’d like to put something in the mail, you may send it to Patty at PO Box 127, Lyme, NH 03768.

This outpouring of love will feel like magic to Patty … even as it will be only a taste of how grateful the community is for the care of this one fabulous individual who has made an indelible mark on the Lyme Community.

Every Wednesday, CommunityCare of Lyme lifts up a wellness topic, embracing the widest possible definition of individual and community well-being. We include local and national resources, individual and group programs and practices, and personal stories, videos, or songs that have something to teach us all. We are always seeking guest contributors! 

If you have a wellness-themed topic you would like to share or learn more about, please reach out to

Shelby Wood
Manager of Volunteer Participation
CommunityCare of Lyme
802-468-7776 (cell)
603-795-0603 (CCL office and help line)