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Lyme Center Academy Building
- Events
- Venues
- Lyme Center Academy Building
183 Dorchester Rd
Lyme, NH 03768 United States Get Directions
Lyme, NH 03768 United States Get Directions
(603) 795-2508
The Lyme Center Academy building was built in 1839. For all but seven years up until 1994, it remained in service as a school and social center for Lyme Center. Through a public-private partnership, extensive renovations and restorations of the facility commenced in 1997 and were completed in 2002. The purpose of these was to convert the structure into a historical museum and modern community building while maintaining its historic character.
Events at this venue
Community Events Calendar information is gathered from multiple sources, including the town, library, local bulletins and businesses. Here are a few direct links to organizations’ full schedules:
Lyme and other local listservs
Daybreak Upper Valley daily newsletter Click to subscribe
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Aging Resource Center
Please share any additions or edits to calendar items, so that we can include them in the online calendar.