Lyme Organizations & Services Directory

Robin Strout Cushman
(603) 790-0197
Social Sites
Rory Hennessey
We offer complete online presence solutions for local Upper Valley businesses. From website design & development to e-commerce strategy to social media & digital marketing, we help small businesses win online.
(802) 451-0977
Linnea Spelman

Confers with clients to determine purpose, audience and content of product to be developed.

Creates designs and concept-based layouts based on knowledge of layout principles and esthetic design concepts.

Determines size and arrangement of illustrative material and copy, and select style and size of type.

Develops graphics and layouts for product illustrations and company/program logos.

Reviews final layouts and suggest improvements as needed.

Prepares press-ready files and track production of final product with selected vendor.


We are pleased to make this valuable resource* available, sharing information as it has been reported. Feedback, corrections, and additions are welcome and necessary. All listings have been shared by Lyme residents or are Lyme residents. With Covid disruptions, uncertainties, and labor shortages, the list isn’t as current as it often has been. All input is helpful! CCL updates the list as a community service, and we do not endorse any particular contractors or services. A printable version will be updated periodically. For additions or corrections, contact us.

*The Lyme Contractor and Service Providers listing that is the basis of this directory was initiated by former Lyme neighbor, Jess Lahey. For years, she updated and shared the listing, based on listserv posts about individuals and local businesses serving Lyme residents. Thank you, Jess!