Celebrating National Cherry Tart Day:

Recipe from Andrea of lifemadesimplebakes.com (May 4, 2024)

Shared 6/17/24

In keeping with our recent trend of sharing Mondayā€™s Menu recipes celebrating different foodie days, today we celebrate cherry tarts! Today is National Cherry Tart Day. This simple take on the cherry tart is sure to be a favorite as we celebrate this sweet seasonal fruit.


Celebrate National Cherry Tart day with a lovely treat! Give Andreaā€™s recipe a try by visiting her site lifemadesimplebakes.com

Andrea. ā€œCherry Tarts.ā€ Life Made Simple, 3 May 2024, lifemadesimplebakes.com/cherry-tarts/.


If you have a recipe you would like to share, please reach out to shelby@cclyme.org.Ā 

Shelby Wood
Manager of Program Development
CommunityCare of Lyme