CommunityCare of Lyme is seeking both listeners and storytellers (individuals sharing their experiences) for We Have Each Other, a new project gathering and celebrating stories of the people of Lyme.

There is an art and science to listening well! CCL is offering the first in a series of listener training programs:

Listener Training 101

Friday, July 21st, 2:30-4:30pm at the CCL Office in the Lyme Center Academy Building

Cayla Dyer, Lead Organizer with United Valley Interfaith Project (UVIP), will lead an interactive training in Listening: the Art and Science of Interviewing. This training is helpful for those capturing stories for We Have Each Other, and is broadly applicable to story capture and interviews of all kinds. We will be sharing experiences, tips and techniques. If you are an experienced interviewer, your participation is welcome and encouraged. Participants may also help with future Listening Training.

Please respond to this message or contact the CCL Office at 603-795-0603 if you can join us OR If you cannot attend but are interested. Please just show-up if you find yourself available at the last minute.

We Have Each Other builds on the work of We Had Each Other, A Spoken History of Lyme, published in 2000 by Friends of Lyme Library, and the current Stories Projects of the United Valley Interfaith Project, which pairs trained Listeners with members of the community and has already captured over 500 stories of aging with dignity across the Upper Valley, economic security, and life in Claremont.

Contact Mariah Lang (, 603-795-0603), CCL intern, or Patty Jenks (, 603-795-0603), CCL Director, to learn more about “We Have Each Other” or to sign up.