Tuesdays at the Lyme Congregational Church
The Lyme Food Pantry serves all who may need us.
Our services continue as usual on Tuesdays:
- Willing Hands fresh foods, Pete & Gerry’s Organic Eggs, and homemade bread from Lyme bakers.
- Non-perishable foods, like pasta and sauce; canned tuna, chicken, soups, vegetables and beans; mac & cheese, cereal, applesauce, and healthy snacks.
- We often have special items to share, and if you ask we’ll do our best to get what you’re looking for.
- Order a package by calling 603-795-0603 … OR JUST STOP BY.
- Pick up at 1:00 pm or by appointment.
- OR Request safe delivery by our volunteers.
Please wear a mask, hand sanitize, and keep a safe distance.
Watch for potential future changes in location or logistics as we adjust to the winter weather.
Are meals a bit of a challenge for you or someone you know, but the Food Pantry isn’t the total answer?
Click here to learn about other options.
We are here to help. Call 603-795-0603 or email help@cclyme.org.