Community Calendar

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Join four of our 2024 faculty: Becky Tracy, Katie McNally, Owen Marshall and Jeremiah McLane.

We’ll offer parallel workshop program options (details to follow) each with morning and afternoon sessions

Program 1 : Katie McNally and Jeremiah McLane
Program 2 : Becky Tracy and Owen Marshall
Doors open at 11:30 (Don’t be late! Give yourself time to get settled in and tuned up)
Workshop one: 12-1:15 pm

Workshop two: 1:45-3 pm

Workshops will be organized (within each program) into melody instruments & rhythm instruments

Workshop Finale & Jam Session: 3:15-4:45 pm

Potluck Dinner: 5-6:15 pm

Faculty Concert: 6:30-7:30 pm

Concert takes place at First Congregational Church, Lebanon
If you’re unable to attend the concert in person, you can register to receive a link for online viewing!

Learn more on the UVMC Webpage

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Community Events Calendar information is gathered from multiple sources, including the town, library, local bulletins and businesses. Here are a few direct links to organizations’ full schedules:

Lyme and other local listservs

Lyme Library Calendar

Lyme School Events Listing

Town of Lyme Website

Daybreak Upper Valley daily newsletter Click to subscribe

Valley News online calendar

Dartmouth-Hitchcock Aging Resource Center

Please share any additions or edits to calendar items, so that we can include them in the online calendar.