CCL Weekly Update – 8/25/22
The reality of tragedy.
Sometimes we learn that somebody else’s life has been turned inside out. We can literally feel their pain and identify with the shock and heartbreak. Their life, as they knew it, will never be the same. Normal routines and regular visits are gone and it’s a new and unfamiliar path to follow.
And sometimes the roles are reversed. It’s us that people are watching and concerned about. A tragedy or loss of some kind has happened to us or someone we love.
Once again, a beloved Lyme friend is gone from our sight, but never from our hearts. CommunityCare of Lyme extends heartfelt and loving condolences to the family and friends of Rusty Estes, dad to Tim and Nick, brother to Robbie Pike, Polly Gray & Linda Woodward, companion to Barbara Balch and fun-filled friend to dozens.
… …a beloved Lyme friend is gone from our sight,
but never from our hearts. .
News and Notes:
Current help requests
This week’s highlight: Lyme Health & Wellness Fair. Can you lend a hand? There are lots of moving pieces leading up to the Sept. 24th event and many volunteer opportunities during the event itself. If you can help, will you please reach out to or 603-795-0603. Thank you in advance!
CommunityCare of Lyme Office Hours
The CCL Office and Living Room are open Monday through Thursday, 9-11am and by appointment. Please stop by to join us in our cool space for warm conversation. We’d love to see you! If you need us outside of our scheduled hours, call the Helpline (603-795-0603). If you have to leave a message, we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. For emergencies, always dial 911.
August is …
Family Fun Month and Eat Local Month. As we near the end of August, it’s hard not to feel this summer has been flying by. As we gear up for the school year transition, how and where are you and your family spending your time together?
How have you been having fun this summer? Where will you “eat local” this month? We would love to hear from you! (Pictures for sharing are highly encouraged!)
Weekly health and well-being tips, resources, and recipes
Monday’s Menu. A new challenge for a new week: instead of fighting with the weeds, embrace them! Try this week’s Vegan Dandelion Bread by Vaishali of Holy Cow to try a tasty way to play with plants. The link has been fixed since the post was distributed on Monday, and it wasn’t working quite right. (It still brought you to a lovely recipe!)
If you have an original recipe OR a recipe you have adapted that you would love to share please email me at Click here to see all the Monday’s Menu recipes.
Wellness Wednesday. We are grateful to share a post from Grafton County Senior Citizens Council’s Becky Foster and Robin Koczur. They share how playing Ukulele benefits us in so many ways!
If you have a wellness topic you would like to share about OR would love to learn more about, please contact See all Wellness Wednesday posts here.
Aging in Community
Building an Aging in Community Team. Join in! As we journey together into a new and Covid-influenced world, we are in the process of re-convening and reimagining the “Aging in Place” committee which was central to the founding of CommunityCare of Lyme in 2014. Understanding that intergenerational involvement is critical, we also recognize the need to focus on the special concerns, needs – and unique capacity – as we age in our communities. Do you have ideas, or would you like to join as we define and form this collaboration of organizations and individuals? Please contact Martha Tecca by replying to this email or directly at or 603-443-0283.
Grafton County ServiceLink, the region’s aging and disability resource center. Highlighted in a previous Wellness Wednesday post, they maintain a large resource list and offer caregiver support, classes and personal help to understand Medicare, assistance completing housing applications, and more! Contact the Lebanon office at 603-448-1558, or email More on the website.
Dartmouth Aging Resource Center (“ARC” throughout the Lyme Events Calendar) has an amazing array of programs, activities, and supports. Here’s a link to this week’s ARC newsletter. You can subscribe! Nearing 65? You might check out Monday’s virtual introduction to Medicare, 10 – 11:30am.
The Orford Senior Center (serving Orford and Lyme) has lots going on: on-site bingo, followed by a meal! Weekly Grab ‘n Go and daily home delivered meals. Link for more information including August’s newsletter, menu, special events, and ongoing Grafton County Senior Citizens Council activities. Contact the OSC coordinator at 603-353-9107 to learn more or to sign up for meals or activities.
Extending a warm Upper Valley welcome
The Upper Valley Neighborhood Support Team is helping with the welcome and support of Afghan evacuees and, recently, a Cuban family. There are lots of ways to join in the welcome!
Financial support is needed. Childcare needs are great, even with extraordinary babycare volunteers and friendly play dates. With driver’s licenses nearly in hand, the family and the men will both be in need of car insurance. Donations to the CCL Welcome Fund support Afghan evacuees and others displaced by challenging circumstances. Go to to learn more or donate online; or mail a check to CCL Welcome Fund at PO Box 127 Lyme, NH 03768. Thank you!
Orford Open Air Market
NEW HOURS: Saturdays, 10am-pm on the Common in Orford. What an impressive start up this has been! It’s an open air market that’s an opportunity for people in the area to conveniently shop and support local small businesses that provide local produce, meats, cheese, jams, pickles, baked goods, fine crafts, and much, much more! If you’re an artisan, farmer, gardener, soap maker, honey harvester, baker, or have another product or message to share, please join in! Click here to learn more and see the growing list of participating sellers. Email Cara Dyke for an application or more information, 603-236-2899.
Those Guys Tent Rentals!
Those Guys are renting their tents for this outdoor season. As always, funds raised through this effort are distributed to community organizations. This post includes all the details. We are extremely grateful for Those Guys’ support. What a crew!
JAG Productions
It’s the final weekend to see this show! What’s it like inside the process of Theatre on the Hill? Sideeq Heard, Associate Artistic Director, says: “Juicy! The energy was spiritual and the music is contagious. The band really has a flow, and it was exciting to watch them work.” Get your tickets now to see Britton and The Sting’s musical revival, full of funk, feeling, and freedom, outside at King Arthur Baking Company. Learn more here.
Coming up:
Check out the Community Events Calendar, the Valley News Calendar, Lyme organizations (see several links at the end of this message) or the Aging Resource Center for more ideas. We are pleased to pass on news shared by Lyme organizations.
This Week
Please check the Listserv or call the event organizer for confirmation, as things are changing regularly.
- Friday, August 26th. UV Young Professionals – Bubble Tea & Walk. 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm. Meet at 4U Bubble Tea in Hanover.
- Friday, August 26th & Saturday, August 27th. Theatre on the Hill – JAG Productions at King Arthur Doors and food at 7pm, shows start at 8pm.
- Monday, August 29th. Lyme School Ice Cream Social. 6pm. Watch for more details.
- Wednesday, August 31st. Lyme School First Day.
- Tuesdays at 1pm. Lyme Food Pantry at 1pm CCL hosts the distribution every Tuesday at Lyme Congregational Church. Call ahead to order, or just stop by. DELIVERY AVAILABLE.
- Tuesday afternoons. Pardon my Garden Lyme Gardeners visit local gardens. August 30th Coralea Wennberg, Hanover/Lyme 5-7pm. Questions? Contact Anne Baird.
- Wednesday afternoons. Reiki with Stephanie Carney in the CCL Living Room. For a complimentary appointment, contact or 603-795-2419.
- Wednesdays 11am-2pm, Saturdays 10am-1pm. Lyme Historians Exhibit Trains: Transportation, Trade, & Toys. At the Historians Museum.
- Thursdays. Bingo 9-10:30am, Grab-N-Stay (or Grab-N-Go) Meal 11am at the Orford Senior Center. To reserve a meal, call 603-353-9107 Participants must sign in and out; masks optional. Contact CCL if you could use a ride. Meal delivery is available.
- Thursdays. Happy Feet Clinic with Susan Hanna Rose, RN, at the CCL Offices in the Lyme Center Academy Building. Therapeutic foot care, including certified diabetic foot care. Regular visits are $20. Initial or extended visits are $25. The Jenks Fund can help with fees. Appointments are required. Home visits are available for those who are homebound. Please call Nurse Susan at (802) 222-4196 for information or to make or change an appointment. If you leave a message, she’ll call back.
Save the date!
- Sunday, September 11th. Back to School Community Potluck. A multi-generational kick-off to the new season, hosted by CommunityCare of Lyme and the Lyme School PTO at the Lyme Center Academy Building from 4-7pm. All are welcome at the shared meal – where each of us contributes one thing (and maybe that one thing is your company at dinner❤️.) If you plan to join us – and if you’d like to help in some way – Please let us know!, 603-795-0603.
- Saturday, September 24th. 2022 Lyme Health and Wellness Fair. 9am-1pm On the Common. A big day with lots of details to come. Visit the webpage for the most up-to-date information: new community partners, demo classes, and prizes will continue to be added! If you would like to participate in the Health & Wellness Fair, let us know:
- Sunday, October 16th.????Blue Jeans & Bluegrass ????. CommunityCare of Lyme’s 2nd annual community appreciation event. Join us for good music, food, and fun, 4-7pm! All are warmly welcomed. More information to come. Would you like to help in planning this event?
We’d love your ideas, feedback and helping hands! / 603-795-0603.
All of these events require many helping hands. If you would love to volunteer,
or be a part of an event planning committee please contact / 802-468-7776.
Thank you for your consideration!
*NOTE: For any event that’s not online, please be prepared with a mask and clean hands. Safety guidance, and hosts’ comfort continues to evolve.
Check out the Community Calendar for a full listing of upcoming events selected for Lyme and neighboring communities.
Calendar information is gathered from multiple sources, including:
Lyme and other local listservs
Daybreak Upper Valley daily newsletter Click to subscribe
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Aging Resource Center
Please share any additions or edits to calendar items, so that we can include them in the online calendar.
We are here for you.
When you seek information, help, or ways to help others, contact us.
The Lyme Community Help Line:
call 795-0603 or email
Connection to resources you need now to stay active, involved, and well.
Lyme Food Pantry or prepared meals. Deliveries or errands. Help around home.
Just a chat. You name it.

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