CCL Weekly Update – 7/30/2021
Be Still.
Near the end of Thursday’s sunny and full day, the gentle rain began. Somehow, it softened everything and slowed things down just a bit. I enjoyed a friendly visit with a neighbor. There was no agenda, just a warm conversation, I admired her well-loved house plants, and we watched hummingbirds outside the window, unbothered by the showers. The ride home was misty, beautiful, and peaceful.
After dinner, Mark and I joined in the small Vespers gathering led by Abbe Murphy at the Ramsden’s lovely barn on Breck Hill. A recorder trio played, we all sang a bit, and a few psalms were shared. I read the first one, which happened to be the words of the piece the choir sang at my mother’s memorial service in 2009. Together, we recited the 23rd psalm, read by my mom at my dad’s funeral many years earlier. These were sweet reminders of well-remembered lives. Abbe shared a short reflection on the simple words “be still.” In the midst of the busyness and stress and uncertainty of our lives, what if we give ourselves a few moments of quiet? If we take a break from worrying or trying to control things. If we wait. If we wonder. We practiced together, with the summer rain on the roof of the barn, and all else silent. The shared stillness was a special gift, uncovering the sparkles of magic from the rainy afternoon and opening the mental curtains to a little bit of clear blue sky.
This morning, I’m eager to make the most of so many opportunities: an upcoming family vacation, all that music being shared out there (see below), community events in the works, a national project to fight ageism, and more … plus a chore or two ?. And I sit with the somehow-challenging question: When will I take the time – make the time – to be still?
In the busyness of your day and the fullness of your mind, may you be open to a moment, or two, of peace.
News and Notes:
Updated Covid-19 recommended precautions for fully-vaccinated people.
First, it should be noted that the evidence is increasingly strong that vaccination is both safe and also the best protection against serious illness and death due to Covid-19. If you have not been vaccinated, it is now very easy to do. Click here to find the most convenient site for the vaccine of your choice. Also watch for “pop-up” walk-in vaccination clinics happening frequently, including 11am-9pm today and 9am-5pm tomorrow at the North Haverhill Fair.
Due to the rapid spread of the delta variant of Covid-19, the CDC has revised its recommendations. In part:
“Infections happen in only a small proportion of people who are fully vaccinated, even with the Delta variant. However, preliminary evidence suggests that fully vaccinated people who do become infected with the Delta variant can spread the virus to others. To reduce their risk of becoming infected with the Delta variant and potentially spreading it to others, CDC recommends that fully vaccinated people:
- Wear a mask in public indoor settings if they are in an area of substantial or high transmission*.
- Fully vaccinated people might choose to mask regardless of the level of transmission, particularly if they or someone in their household is immunocompromised or at increased risk for severe disease, or if someone in their household is unvaccinated.
- People who are at increased risk for severe disease include older adults and those who have certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, overweight or obesity, and heart conditions.
- Get tested if experiencing COVID-19 symptoms.”
- Get tested 3-5 days following a known exposure to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 and wear a mask in public indoor settings for 14 days after exposure or until a negative test result.
- Isolate if they have tested positive for COVID-19 in the prior 10 days or are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms.
- Follow any applicable federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules, and regulations.
* Note that this is currently an area of moderate transmission, with people visiting from all over the country and the world. Wear a mask whenever it helps you feel safer in uncertain conditions; and please respect those who ask you to wear a mask in their homes or businesses.
As noted in The Atlantic Daily piece shared this week by Judy Russell, “How to Process the New CDC Guidelines”:
“The key thing to keep in mind is that we have to be flexible. The virus basically threw us a curveball. I don’t think this change in guidance necessarily means we got the science wrong two months ago. It means that the threat has evolved since then, and we need to adjust accordingly. And that’s going to keep happening. The goal is to just adjust to our surroundings.
“Take this in stride, and understand why this happened. A vaccine is going to perform differently in different circumstances, and circumstances have changed.”
As always, contact us if you have questions, and we’ll do our best to get you to the most up-to-date answers. Email or call 603-795-0603.
Celebrating this month …
Parks and Recreation Month – experiencing beautiful, bountiful parks, together. If you love to explore local or national parks and have stories or photos to share, please email Have tips and tricks for making the most of your park trip? We’d love to hear from you too! We hope you’ll share some of the amazing and inspiring shots and notes we’ve seen on Facebook, so others can appreciate your adventures.
Blueberries! They’re amazing at Super Acres (More than 1,000 bushes planted in 1986, all natural, nothing but sun and rain. Self-Serve, pick-your-own, open every day, all day. 722 River Road, Lyme, just south of the covered bridge. 603-353-9807) and at Cedar Circle Farm (The patch is 1/2 mile south of the farmstand, on Pavillion Road in Thetford. Park at “Sunny Fields Berry Farm” 802-785-4737.)
Weekly health and well-being tips, resources, and recipes …
Monday’s Menu. Click here to read this week’s recipe, Banana Berry Smoothie Bowl, from Anna Pippin, MSHN. Anna says, “Blueberry season is upon us and these sweet and nutritious berries are a delicious superfood! Blueberries are anti-inflammatory, loaded with nutrients, very high in antioxidants, high in potassium and vitamin C, and are shown to lower your risk of heart disease and cancer. This Banana Berry Smoothie Bowl is a refreshing and filling breakfast, sprinkled with your favorite toppings, like fresh fruit, dried fruit, granola, nuts, or seeds!” Click here to see all the Monday’s Menu recipes.
Wellness Wednesday. Click here for this week’s post, “What If”. This week we have been granted permission to share one of local artist, Jennifer Voelker’s, new songs as a follow up to her first Wellness Wednesday post “Why I Write Songs”. While her first post was about how writing helps her, this post we share as her songs and lyrics may be helpful for others too. When you visit this week’s “What If” post, click the ► button to listen to her song.
See all the Wellness Wednesday posts here.
If you have a wellness tip or a healthful recipe you would like to share, please contact
Those Guys Tent Rentals!
Those Guys are renting their tents for this outdoor season. As always, funds raised through this effort are distributed to community organizations. This post includes all the details. We are extremely grateful for Those Guys’ support. What a crew!
We are here. Every day. 603-795-0603 or
Reach out when you or someone you care about needs a hand. If you could use information, help, a listening ear or ways to bring someone else joy, contact us at 603-795-0603 or You’ll reach a friendly voice, a little (or a lot of) help, and creative, safe ways to be involved.
Coming up:
There is a LOT going on out there! Check out the Lyme Events Calendar (a selection of events from lots of calendars), the Valley News Calendar (especially for all kinds of arts in the area, but lots more), Lyme organizations (see several links at the end of this message) or the Aging Resource Center for ideas.
Lyme is happening!
We are pleased to pass on news shared by Lyme organizations about their summer plans.
- Lyme Food Pantry. Hosted by CCL every Tuesday at 1pm at Lyme Congregational Church. Farmers market style produce, plus non-perishable items. Call ahead to let us know what you’d like (603-795-0603), or just stop by. DELIVERY AVAILABLE.
- Lyme Town Band. Concerts on the Common! Next: 8/3 at 7pm, after two weather “delays”!
- Bargain Barn. Open with M,W,F and Saturday hours. Clothing, bric-a-brac, household objects, linens, jewelry and accessories, among other items. Proceeds benefit area nonprofit organizations.
- Lyme Historians. Museum and Barn are open on Saturdays and Wednesdays. Chesley Schoolhouse open the last Sundays of summer months.
- VegiCare. Monday drop-offs of gardeners’ bounty and love-filled produce deliveries to neighbors.
- Lyme Gardeners. “Pardon my Garden” on Tuesdays. Weekly visits to local gardens (times vary.)
- Those Guys. Monthly first Wednesday in-person meetings, now at Stella’s at 7:30am.
- Lyme Library. Open for regular hours with lots of programming. The Summer Reading Program is underway.
- Crossroads Academy. Weekly summer programs. New topics each week. Remember that the Pearl Dimick Fund offers summer camp scholarships. The CCL Jenks Fund can also help.
Live Music is Happening!
Here are some of the many live music series happening around the Upper Valley. Please let us know about others!
- Summer Music Series. Latham House Tavern on the Patio. Friday, August 6th from 6-8pm
- Front Porch Concert Series. Series held each Thursday starting at 7pm at Colburn Park in Lebanon. Rain Location: First Congregational Church at 10 South Park Street Lebanon, NH 03766.
- Acoustic Hump Day. Every Wednesday night at 7pm at Salt Hill Pub at 2 West Park St. in Lebanon.
- Fairlee Summer Music Series. Tuesdays 6:30pm on the Fairlee Town Common.
- Thursday Night Concert Series. Lake Morey Resort from 8-10pm. Proceeds benefit Umbrella. Concert series runs through August. Lake Morey Resort also hosts live entertainment each Friday and Saturday night throughout the summer on their Lakefront patio.
- Orford Bandstand Concerts. Four more concerts this summer!
- The Weekend Tune Up Series. Every Friday at 7pm at the Salt Hill Pub in West Lebanon, enjoy “the Upper Valley’s best live acoustic rock”.
- Music in the Meadow. Tuesdays, July 20 – August 24th at the Grantham Recreational Park from 6:00 – 8:00pm. Featuring live music, and food trucks.
- Front Porch Music Series. Saturdays at 4pm at Salt Hill Pub in West Lebanon. Enjoy acoustic rock, country and Americana on their front porch.
- Skunk Hollow Tavern in Hartland Four Corners. Wednesday Open Mic 5:30-8:30pm, and live bands on Fridays 5:30-8:30pm
- Lebanon Opera House. Visit the event calendar for the full list of performances.
Save the Date:
- Saturday (9/25): The Lyme Health & Wellness Fair and Lyme Fest, on the Common. Planning is underway for a big day! Please reach out to if you’d like to learn more or be a part of it.
- Saturday (10/2): Thai Food Dinner, 5-7pm.
- Sunday (10/17): CCL Blue Jeans and Bluegrass Community Appreciation Celebration, 3-7pm at the Ramsden’s barn on Breck Hill. Dan Freihofer and the Dinosaurs will play! LOTS more to come.
Click here to view upcoming events on the Lyme Events Calendar.
Lyme Events Calendar information is gathered from multiple sources, including the town, library, local bulletins and businesses. Here are a few direct links to organizations’ full schedules:
Lyme and other local listservs
Lyme Community and Church Newsletter
Daybreak Upper Valley daily newsletter Click to subscribe
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Aging Resource Center
Please share any additions or edits to calendar items, so that we can include them in the online calendar.
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