CCL Weekly Update – 6/30/22
Fireflies and the Fourth of July
I understand that this Fourth of July may be challenging for any number of reasons; just watch the news. Viral posts are even going so far as to say things like, “My ability to dissociate has become too powerful. Now I’m just watching the fall of America like ‘hmm yeah that happens to empires’ while I look for dog hats on Amazon.” (Mike Primavera, Jan 11 2002 on Twitter) It says a lot about the state of our nation when a post like this goes viral. What I’d like to share with you is something that works for me when I feel overwhelmed.
Maybe this will help, maybe this won’t so please take what works for me with a grain of salt.
I like to sit outside on summer nights and watch fireflies. One of my close friends is working on her PhD, studying the communication patterns of various firefly species. The notion that these tiny critters have a complicated means of communicating makes them even more magical. Sitting and watching them sparkle brings me back to a sense of childlike wonder with the natural world that I find calming and reassuring. It seems like they’re dancing around the meadow just for me.
Whatever it might be that helps you feel grounded this Fourth of July weekend, I hope you choose to give yourself time to stop and indulge. Experience whatever you might be feeling, and notice whatever little thing(s) bring you contentment and connection.
This weekend, I hope you find your own sparkle
and marvel at the beauty in our interdependence.
News and Notes:
CommunityCare of Lyme Office Hours
The CCL Office and Living Room are open Monday through Thursday, 9-11am. We’d love to see you!
The office will be closed on July 4th in honor of the holiday. Have a wonderful day with friends, family and neighbors! You can always call the Help Line (603-795-0603), and if you have to leave a message, we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. For emergencies, always dial 911.
On Monday, July 18th, the office will be closed as we prepare for the Lawn Party Luncheon. Please join us for this event from 11am – 1pm at the Teccas’ home. More information below!
Current help requests
This week’s highlight:We would love helping hands for our upcoming Lawn Party Luncheon on Monday 7/18. Do you enjoy cooking, serving, or behind-the-scenes set up/clean up? Please let us know. We also have a neighbor who would love a hand with a light housekeeping job. If you can help in the next several days, please let us know at or call 603-795-0603.
July is …
Parks & Recreation Month and Anti-Boredom Month. It’s been a few weeks since the school year ended, and as the summer moves along we celebrate both Parks & Recreation Month and Anti-Boredom Month. What a combination! It’s a perfect opportunity to cross some of those Summer Bucket list items off! One great way to do this is through the Converse Free Library’s Museum and Nature Passes; explore, prevent summertime boredom, and support your local library! We’re very fortunate to live in an area with a plethora of parks – explore opportunities statewide through NH State Parks.
How are you fighting boredom this summer? What adventures are you and your family going on? We would love to hear from you! (Pictures for sharing are highly encouraged!)
Weekly health and well-being tips, resources, and recipes
Monday’s Menu. As we get ready for a long Fourth of July Weekend, here’s a quick recipe that’s sure to be a crowd pleaser at your upcoming potlucks and BBQs. Enjoy this week’s Monday’s Menu here.
If you have an original recipe OR a recipe you have adapted that you would love to share please email me at Click here to see all the Monday’s Menu recipes.
Wellness Wednesday. June is PTSD Awareness Month. As this month comes to a close, we are grateful to be able to share information from the VA’s National Center for PTSD. Please click here to see this week’s Wellness Wednesday post.
If you have a wellness topic you would like to share about OR would love to learn more about, please contact See all Wellness Wednesday posts here.
Aging in Community
Dartmouth Aging Resource Center (“ARC”, throughout the Lyme Events Calendar) has an amazing array of programs, activities, and supports. Here’s a link to this week’s ARC newsletter. You can subscribe.
The Orford Senior Center (serving Orford and Lyme) has lots going on: on-site bingo, followed by a meal! Weekly Grab ‘n Go and daily home delivered meals. Links for more information: June newsletter, menu, book club. July’s newsletter, special events, and ongoing Grafton County Senior Citizens Council activities. Contact Eileen Nickles, OSC coordinator 603-353-9107, to learn more or to sign up for meals or activities.
Extending a warm Upper Valley welcome
The Upper Valley Neighborhood Support Team is helping with the welcome and support of Afghan evacuees and, recently, a Cuban family. There are lots of ways to join in the welcome!
Urgent need: a nanny for the summer, and possibly beyond. If you or someone you know would be interested in full or part-time work in Hanover with a dear Afghan family, including twin 4 month olds and a 5 year old (who will be in day camp on weekdays), please contact Martha Tecca at 603-443-0283. We’d also love to hear from babysitters/mother’s helpers who have their own transportation and some regular weekly times to share. These are paid roles. (Volunteers are also still very welcome to help out!)
Financial support is needed. Childcare needs are great, even with extraordinary babycare volunteers and friendly play dates. With driver’s licenses nearly in hand, the family and the men will both be in need of car insurance. Donations to the CCL Welcome Fund support Afghan evacuees and others displaced by challenging circumstances. Go to or mail a check to CCL at PO Box 127 Lyme, NH 03768. Please note that your donation is for the Welcome Fund.
Get involved! Our new neighbors appreciate help with rides, opportunities to practice English, occasional meals, and simple, warm connection with neighbors. Thanks to so many who have been a part of the welcome so far. Please contact Martha Tecca (, 603-795-0603).
NEW: Orford Open Air Market
Saturdays, 9am-noon, beginning July 9th on the Common in Orford. An open air market that’s opportunity for people in the area to conveniently shop and support local small businesses that provide local produce, meats, cheese, jams, pickles, baked goods, fine crafts, and much, much more! If you’re an artisan, farmer, gardener, soap maker, honey harvester, baker, or have another product or message to share, please join in! Click here to learn more and see the growing list of participating sellers. Email Cara Dyke for an application or more information, 603-236-2899.
Those Guys Tent Rentals!
Those Guys are renting their tents for this outdoor season. As always, funds raised through this effort are distributed to community organizations. This post includes all the details. We are extremely grateful for Those Guys’ support. What a crew!
Covid update
There are still many Covid cases popping up in Lyme and neighboring communities.
Vaccination – now including young children! There are two vaccine options for children as young as 6 months old. The distribution plans are still in the works, with more children’s “jabs” being offered at doctor’s offices and small clinics. Several Dartmouth Hitchcock Clinics locations will be offering COVID-19 vaccine clinics, and scheduling is available through myDH or at the DH COVID Hotline 603-650-1818. For all ages, at you can find locations and make an appointment. Dosage is different for children, so please be sure to specify the age when making an appointment.
Please Stay safe: Though you may be unlikely to get very sick, if you test positive it is a pain (at best); and you’ve got a responsibility to keep others safe. You must isolate for at least 5 days, which might mean missing work and adding stress, if not sickness, to the lives of those with whom you live, work, and play.
As infection numbers fluctuate, guidance remains consistent. Simple precautions help keep us safe when we’re at risk of Covid (and other virus or bacteria) spread: Face covering, physical distance, and hand washing. Please keep a mask along to wear inside when requested or when safe distancing isn’t possible.
For up-to-date information on testing, vaccines, and more in New Hampshire, visit Note that Upper Valley locations in Vermont can also serve NH residents.
Contact CCL if you would like help navigating the system or have questions, and we’ll do our best to get you the most up-to-date answers and help you may need. Email or call 603-795-0603.
Coming up:
Check out the Lyme Events Calendar, the Valley News Calendar, Lyme organizations (see several links at the end of this message) or the Aging Resource Center for more ideas.
We are pleased to pass on news shared by Lyme organizations.
This Week
Please check the Listserv or call the event organizer. Due to the community spread of Covid, things are changing regularly.
- Saturday, July 2nd. 6:30-8:00pm Enjoy Lyme Town Band at the Orford Bandstand! The Orford-Fairlee Lions are serving hot dogs and hamburgers 5-6:30pm before the concert.
- Sunday, July 3rd. 3pm-5pm Explore local history, visit the Lyme Historian’s Chesley Schoolhouse Open – Lyme Center
- Monday, July 4th Celebrations There’s loads to do! Visit the link for a complete list of activities from Valley News.
- 8:30 am – 12:00 pm Red, White, & Blue 6.2 & 5K – Lebanon gathering in Colburn Park. Flat and fast along the beautiful Northern Rail Trail and Class VI Mill Road. Hosted by Lebanon Parks & Recreation. Register here.
- 10am – 2:30pm “Food Trucks and Cold Drinks” at Chapman’s Place
- 11 am “Celebrate America” Parade Rte 25A, Orford.
- Noon Drive through and Take Out Chicken BBQ on the Orford Common. Pie & Ice Cream at the Fairlee Community Church.
- Dusk Fireworks over Lake Morey
- 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm 4th of July Concert & Fireworks – Lebanon Enjoy the Flames in concert at Colburn Park, and celebrate the start of Monday night concerts. Fireworks begin once it’s dark (estimated to start around 9:20pm) over at Storr’s Hill Ski Area.
- Friday, July 8th & Saturday July 9th. The 41st Annual Prouty
- Tuesdays at 1pm. Lyme Food Pantry at 1pm CCL hosts the distribution every Tuesday at Lyme Congregational Church. Call ahead to order, or just stop by. DELIVERY AVAILABLE.
- Tuesday afternoons. Pardon my Garden Lyme Gardeners visit local gardens. This week (7/5) 5 Jennifer Loros, Jay Dunlap, Lake Fairlee 5-7. Click the event link for address and details about the program. Questions about Lyme Gardeners? Please contact Anne Baird.
- Wednesday afternoons. FREE Reiki with Stephanie Carney in the CCL Living Room at the Lyme Center Academy Building. For an appointment, contact or 603-795-2419.
- Wednesdays 11am-2pm, Saturdays 10am-1pm. Lyme Historians Exhibit Trains: Transportation, Trade, & Toys. At the Historians Museum.
- Thursdays. Bingo 9-10:30am, Grab-N-Stay (or Grab-N-Go) Meal 11am at the Orford Senior Center. Please call to make your reservation: 603-353-9107 or email All participants must sign in and sign out; masks optional. Contact CCL if you could use a ride. Meal delivery is available.
- Summer Reading Program. Visit Converse Free Library for information on all the wonderful upcoming offerings!
Save the date!
- Monday, July 18th. Lawn Party Luncheon 11am – 1pm at the Teccas’ home in Orford. Join CommunityCare of Lyme and the Orford Senior Center for our annual community gathering overlooking the beautiful Connecticut River. Please let us know if you’ll join, it helps tremendously with planning. Would you like to help with food or logistics? We have fun! Contact or call 603- 795-0603.
- Saturday, August 6th. Thai Dinner fundraiser. Paphanh and generous volunteers prepare an amazing meal, with proceeds to CommunityCare of Lyme and the Lyme Congregational Church.
- Saturday, September 24th. 2022 Lyme Health and Wellness Fair. A big day!! Lots more to come.
All of these events require many helping hands. If you would love to volunteer,
or be a part of an event planning committee please contact / 802-468-7776.
Thank you for your consideration!
*NOTE: For any event that’s not online, please be prepared with a mask and clean hands. Safety guidance, and hosts’ comfort continues to evolve.
Check out the Community Calendar for a full listing of upcoming events selected for Lyme and neighboring communities.
Calendar information is gathered from multiple sources, including:
Lyme and other local listservs
Daybreak Upper Valley daily newsletter Click to subscribe
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Aging Resource Center
Please share any additions or edits to calendar items, so that we can include them in the online calendar.
We are here for you.
When you seek information, help, or ways to help others, contact us.
The Lyme Community Help Line:
call 795-0603 or email
Connection to resources you need now to stay active, involved, and well.
Lyme Food Pantry or prepared meals. Deliveries or errands. Help around home.
Just a chat. You name it.

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