CCL Weekly Update – 5/12/22
Celebrations of Spring…
When the community comes together in collaboration wonderful things happen. This was proven last weekend in Lyme’s Day of Service and Green Up Day. Read more about it and see photos here. It was a joy to be among so many individuals and families “spring cleaning” neighbors’ yards, roadways, and community spaces. Many projects were completed, and a few still need helping hands. It is a wonderful thing to give back, and is even more enjoyable in this weather. If you can help a neighbor with an outside project, we would love to hear from you!
Tuesday, during our monthly Our Hour gathering in the CommunityCare of Lyme living room, we shared our thoughts, feelings, memories and hopes for this spring season. It was a lovely time spent with friends new and old. Friendships blossomed as we shared our experiences.
Next Wednesday we offer another celebration of Spring: our May Flowers and Mothers patio party. This is an opportunity to enjoy friendship, the lovely springtime weather and the generosity of neighbors as we share the bounty of our gardens. More information and RSVP to join us here.
…and blossoming friendships!
News and Notes:
Day of Service & Green Up Day
It was a lovely day of community spirit and tasty food! Thank you to everyone who participated. What an uplifting way to spend a day together! We would love feedback here or below from volunteers as we continue to refine this event. Learn more about the experience and enjoy photos from Stephanie Graudons, here.
We still have a few neighbors who would love a hand with projects. Can you lend a hand? Please let us know at
May is…
Mental Health Awareness Month. Visit our NEW Self-Care webpage at for ways to care for yourself and reduce stress. The theme for this year’s Mental Health Awareness Month is “Together for Mental Health”. You can learn more by visiting NAMI’s website here:
Join us for many programs designed to uplift our spirits such as: May Flowers and Mothers, Mindful Photography and weekly complimentary Reiki with Stephanie Carney! If you’d like to make friendly visits or phone calls to neighbors, let us know!
Older Americans Month. The Administration for Community Living’s ( 2022 theme is “Age My Way”. We’ll explore Aging in Community and many options and choices for your best experience. We’ll gather for conversations among neighbors and share partner organizations’ programs. Be sure to look at our upcoming events, for more information.
National Photography Month. We would love you to consider sharing images you’ve captured each week. We are seeking to have a virtual “community captures” gallery on our website! Share with CommunityCare of Lyme here, or email to
Weekly health and well-being tips, resources, and recipes …
Monday’s Menu. A refreshing drink to enjoy alongside this week’s beautiful weather. Lavender Lemonade From Elise Bauer of
If you have an original recipe OR a recipe you have adapted that you would love to share please email me at Click here to see all the Monday’s Menu recipes.
Wellness Wednesday. Physical therapist, Angela Lacey, PT, DPT, shares 5 tips to help prevent falls. Review this week’s post here.
If you have a wellness topic you would like to share about OR would love to learn more about, please contact See all Wellness Wednesday posts here.
Orford Senior Center May Newsletter
Our partner organization, Orford Senior Center (serving Lyme), has shared their May Newsletter and Inserts here. They offer programs – now including on-site bingo! – weekly Grab ‘n Go meals, daily home delivered meals, and more.
Those Guys Tent Rentals!
Those Guys are renting their tents for this outdoor season. As always, funds raised through this effort are distributed to community organizations. This post includes all the details. We are extremely grateful for Those Guys’ support. What a crew!
Covid Update
There are active cases of Covid in Lyme…
Please Stay safe: Let’s all do our best to stay safe and keep others safe. As mandates are lifted, keep your mask along to wear it inside when requested or when safe distancing isn’t possible.
Vaccination. The best protection for most of us continues to be vaccination. Whether it’s your first or second dose or a booster, at you can search for vaccination locations and make an appointment. It’s quick and easy!
Testing. Every home in the U.S. is eligible to order 4 FREE at-home COVID-19 tests (This is a 2nd offer!) Please use this link: They’ll ship as supplies are available.
For up-to-date information on testing, vaccines, and more in New Hampshire, visit Note that Upper Valley locations in Vermont can also serve NH residents.
Contact CCL if you would like help navigating the system or have questions, and we’ll do our best to get you the most up-to-date answers and help you may need. Email or call 603-795-0603.
Extending a Warm Upper Valley Welcome
Financial support is needed! Donations to the CCL Welcome Fund support Afghan evacuees and others displaced by challenging circumstances. Go to or mail a check to CCL at PO Box 127 Lyme, NH 03768. Please note that your donation is for the Welcome Fund.
Get involved! Our new neighbors appreciate help with rides, opportunities to practice English, occasional meals, and simple, warm connection with neighbors. Thanks to so many who have been a part of the welcome so far. If you would like to join in, please contact Martha Tecca (, 603-795-0603). She helps coordinate the Lyme/Upper Valley Neighborhood Support Team, partnering with Ascentria Care Services, a state resettlement office.
We are here. Every Day. 603-795-0603 or
Reach out when you or someone you care about needs a hand. If you could use information, help, a listening ear or ways to bring someone else joy, contact us at 603-795-0603 or Our phone is answered every day, usually in person. Our welcoming living room in the Lyme Center Academy is a terrific place to relax, read, visit with friends, or meet with a CCL team member. It is now open Monday through Thursday from 9am – 11am, and by appointment. Be in touch, any time. You’ll reach a friendly voice, a little (or a lot of) help, and creative, safe ways to be involved.
Coming up:
Check out the Lyme Events Calendar, the Valley News Calendar, Lyme organizations (see several links at the end of this message) or the Aging Resource Center for more ideas.
We are pleased to pass on news shared by Lyme organizations.
This Week
- Friday, May 13th. Balloon Festival in Post Mills, VT. Dinner under the balloons starts at 5pm.
- Saturday, May 14th. TRAINS: Trade, Transportation, & Toys – Lyme Historians 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
- Saturday, May 15th. Balloon Festival in Post Mills, VT. Dinner under the balloons starts at 4pm.
- Sunday, May 15th. Lyme Historians Annual Meeting 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
- Tuesday, May 17th. Lyme Food Pantry at 1pm CCL hosts the distribution every Tuesday at Lyme Congregational Church. Call ahead to order, or just stop by. DELIVERY AVAILABLE.
- Wednesday, May 18th. Bingo at the Orford Senior Center from 9am – 10:30am. Please call to make your reservation: 603-353-9107 or email All participants must sign in and sign out; masks optional. Contact CCL if you could use a ride. Next session, May 25.
- Wednesday, May 18th. FREE Reiki with Stephanie Carney at the CCL office. Weekly, starting at noon. To make an appointment contact or call 603-795-2419.
- May flowers and Mothers. Wednesday, May 18th at 4pm. Join CCL in our 2nd annual gathering on Kathy Sherrieb’s beautiful patio. If you have flowers from your garden that you can spare, we would love you to bring them. We’ll do a flower swap. Everyone leaves with a beautiful arrangement of flowers from friends and neighbors. No flowers? No worries! We’ll all share in whatever bounty is generously provided. We’ll also celebrate Mothers. Share stories, photos and poems – whatever might speak to you. Light refreshments offered during this program.
- Mindful Photography Gathering. Sunday, May 22 4-5:30pm (Postponed from 4/14). Notice the world around you. Thoughtfully capture a limited number of photos (as opposed to a regular photo shoot where the objective might be to capture hundreds). Bring whatever camera you have- your smartphone, a point & shoot, a DSLR, or mirrorless. Shelby and Stephanie of CommunityCare of Lyme will be your hosts. Open to all levels. Meeting at the CommunityCare of Lyme Office. Email or call 603-795-0603 for more information. Registration required by Friday, May 20th at noon to help us plan.
Save the date!
- Wednesday, May 25th Meet the CommunityCare of Lyme team. Share what you love to do. Learn about ways you can be involved. At our Volunteer Open House 2-6pm in the CommunityCare of Lyme living room. We’ll work with you to find a volunteer role that fits your interests, skills and availability
- Monday, July 18th Join CommunityCare of Lyme and the Orford Senior Center from 11am – 1pm for our annual Lawn Party Luncheon overlooking the beautiful Connecticut River. Join us at the Tecca’s home. More information to come!
- Saturday, August 6th Join Paphanh and generous volunteers in a Thai Food fundraiser. All proceeds to benefit CommunityCare of Lyme and the Lyme Congregational Church.
- Saturday, September 24th the annual Lyme Health and Wellness Fair.
All of these events require many helping hands. If you would love to volunteer, or be a part of an event planning committee
please contact / 802-468-7776.
Thank you for your consideration!
*NOTE: For any event that’s not online, please be prepared with a mask and clean hands. Safety guidance, and hosts’ comfort continues to evolve.
Check out the Lyme Events Calendar for a full listing of upcoming events selected for Lyme and neighboring communities.
Calendar information is gathered from multiple sources, including:
Lyme and other local listservs
Lyme Library Calendar
Lyme Community and Church Newsletter
Lyme School Events Listing
Town of Lyme Website
Daybreak Upper Valley daily newsletter Click to subscribe
Valley News online calendar
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Aging Resource Center
Please share any additions or edits to calendar items, so that we can include them in the online calendar.
We are here for you.
When you seek information, help, or ways to help others, contact us.
The Lyme Community Help Line:
call 795-0603 or email
Connection to resources you need now to stay active, involved, and well.
Lyme Food Pantry or prepared meals. Deliveries or errands. Help around home.
Just a chat. You name it.

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