CCL Weekly Update – 2/25/2022
This time of year is full of anticipation.
This time of year is full of anticipation. For spring, warmth, renewal and the opportunities presented at local town elections.
Although not as widely discussed as the general elections, our local elections and appointments come with their own special brand of angst and expectation. As we enter into the final two weeks before our school and town meetings, let’s take a breath and recognize the positives. We’re blessed to have folks take a genuine interest in our town, and therefore their friends and neighbors. Their interest requires cooperation and collaboration with fellow board members and a tremendous amount of unpaid personal time spent planning for what’s best for our town based on the facts they are provided with. Sadly, there’s often critiquing and criticism by those who may not know the whole story.
Certainly, we’re all entitled to our opinions, but let’s form those opinions based on good information and facts. Each board and committee, through the nature of the rotation of members, comes with its own unique “personality”. Each needs our recognition for the time spent on our behalf.
Here’s to another Town Meeting season of respect, civility and patience with a year of solid, transparent and appreciated effort by our elected and appointed officials.
Here’s to another Town Meeting season of respect, civility and patience…
News and Notes:
Introducing Stephanie Graudons, CCL’s new program assistant
Hi, I’m Stephanie. I grew up in a small town in New York’s Adirondack Mountains and after bouncing around the country a bit, I settled in the Upper Valley in 2017. As an avid hiker and adventure photographer, I love being so close to the many recreational opportunities here and enjoying all four seasons. On summer weekends, you can often find me on a hiking trail, riding my road bike, or photographing intimate weddings. During the winter, I volunteer for the Lebanon Outing Club and am frequently ski patrolling at Storrs Hill.
My professional background is varied and includes experience in social work, education, administrative support, outdoor recreation, and vocational coaching. I’ve written adventure guides for Outdoor Project and organize outdoor activities for the Adirondack Mountain Club. Bringing people together and sharing time in nature are passions of mine, and I enjoy planning social and recreational events. I’m very excited to get to know the Lyme community and find ways to connect and support all of you. Please don’t be a stranger and shoot me an email at if you’d like to chat!
We could use your input!
Insider’s Guide to Lyme. CommunityCare of Lyme is working to create an online resource and printable document for all neighbors, offering a Lymie’s guide to the area. We’d love your feedback on your favorite places for good food and good fun! It will only take a few moments of your time, and the impact for all of our neighbors is priceless!
February is …
International Friendship Month. As we move to International Friendship month, here are just a few ideas on how you might consider celebrating:
- Make a video containing photos, stories, songs etc. that have meaning for you and your friends. Share it with them through email or social media. (We’d love to see it too!
- Set up a time to reconnect with a friend you haven’t spoken with recently. Meet in person, or schedule a Zoom call. Not too comfortable with Zoom? Did you know that the Aging Resource Center (ARC) through DHMC offers a regularly scheduled “Zoom Practice Space with Tech Coach”? Check out their calendar here to see upcoming dates, and to register.
- Send your friend a Thinking of You note in the mail. Afterall, who doesn’t like seeing a personal card in their mailbox? Much more exciting than another bill! CommunityCare of Lyme has notecards available, and we are warmly welcoming you – our friends and neighbors – to visit us in our cozy living room. Please call to make sure someone is in the office. 603-795-0603
- Attend an event with CCL this month to connect with friends, and meet new ones! We have Reiki with Stephanie Carney in the CCL office on Wednesday afternoons, the Food Pantry on Tuesdays and the Foot Clinic on Thursdays.
- Welcome our new Afghan neighbors! Offer a ride, share a meal, help with English lessons and conversation … or something else? If you’d like to be involved, respond to this email or call Martha at 603-443-0283.
- Email our new team member, Stephanie, and set up a time to chat and get to know her!
- You can also give us a call at any time for warm conversation: 603-795-0603. We would love to hear from you!
Black History Month. This month we’re fortunate enough to collaborate with the Lyme Historians who have so generously shared research and resources about Black History in Lyme. We’re creating a slideshow, which will be available on our website by the end of the month. We will highlight Fast Facts about Black History in Lyme courtesy of the Lyme Historians.
You can learn more local history by visiting the Lyme Historian’s Website here:
You can learn more about Black history in New Hampshire by visiting the Black Heritage Trail NH here:
The Seedling
By Paul Laurence Dunbar (1872 – 1906)As a quiet little seedling
Lay within its darksome bed,
To itself it fell a-talking,
And this is what it said:“I am not so very robust,
But I’ll do the best I can;”
And the seedling from that moment
Its work of life began.So it pushed a little leaflet
Up into the light of day,
To examine the surroundings
And show the rest the way.The leaflet liked the prospect,
So it called its brother, Stem;
Then two other leaflets heard it,
And quickly followed them.To be sure, the haste and hurry
Made the seedling sweat and pant;
But almost before it knew it
It found itself a plant.The sunshine poured upon it,
And the clouds they gave a shower;
And the little plant kept growing
Till it found itself a flower.Little folks, be like the seedling,
Always do the best you can;
Every child must share life’s labor
Just as well as every man.And the sun and showers will help you
Through the lonesome, struggling hours,
Till you raise to light and beauty
Virtue’s fair, unfading flowers.This poem is in the Public Domain.
Paul Laurence Dunbar was one of the First African American Poets to gain national recognition for his work. (
Bird Feeding Month. Thank you to everyone who helped feed the local fauna during this wintery season. To those who participated in either the NH Audubon Backyard Winter Bird Survey or the Great Backyard Bird Count – thank you for being engaged citizen scientists!
Weekly health and well-being tips, resources, and recipes …
Monday’s Menu. Try this week’s Sautéed spinach and tofu – it pairs with bread, pasta or on it’s own!
If you have an original recipe OR a recipe you have adapted that you would love to share please email me at
Click here to see all the Monday’s Menu recipes.
Wellness Wednesday. As we were teased with today’s spring-like weather, it’s a wonderful time for us to think of all the seedlings being started, and the bounty they’ll bring in a few short months. For this week’s Wellness Wednesday, we share a Vital Communities post on Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). CSA is a way to support local agribusiness and engage in the practice of sustainable food sourcing. Read “What’s a CSA? Should I Join One?”
See all Wellness Wednesday posts here.
If you have a wellness topic you would like to share about OR would love to learn more about, please contact
Orford Senior Center February and March Newsletters
Our partner organization, Orford Senior Center (serving Lyme), has shared their February newsletter here. As we welcome March next week, you can view the March Menu here and the March Newsletter here. They offer programs, weekly Grab ‘n Go meals, daily Meals on Wheels, home delivered meals. Please review their website here for the most up-to date information.
Covid Update
For up-to-date information on testing, vaccines, and more in New Hampshire, visit
Testing. Every home in the U.S. is eligible to order 4 free at-home COVID-19 tests. The tests are completely free. Please use this link: They’ll ship as supplies are available. There are other sources of test kits. If you have extra tests that you might like to share, please contact Lyme’s Emergency Management Director, Margaret Caudill-Slosberg, at or CCL by responding to this email or by calling 603-795-0603.
Vaccination. Overall, the best protection for the vast majority of us continues to be vaccination – either initial dose(s) or a booster, if you’re eligible. Seek your doctor’s advice if you have any questions about how the current recommendations affect you. At, you can search for vaccination locations and make an appointment. You can also schedule directly with retailers, such as Walmart and CVS. New sites and new practices are happening all the time. A little patience will go a long way!
Upcoming vaccination clinics:
Walk-in Clinics. LAST DAY at Old JC Penny Site – Route 12A, near Kohl’s. February’s scheduled clinic ends this Friday (2/25) 12 noon – 6pm. Be safe if you decide to go in the snow! Bring personal identification and your vaccine card, and wear a mask. Boosters for those 6 months out from primary vaccine series, age 12 years and older. Clinic will vaccinate all eligible, 5 yrs and older. Moderna, Pfizer and J&J available.
Click here for statewide NH Mobile Vaccine Clinic dates, times and locations. If you’re up for a pretty ride, there are clinics in Warren, Sandwich, and Merrimack on Saturday (2/26).
Stay safe: Let’s all do our best to stay safe and keep others safe, while lifting spirits with healthy ways to stay active and involved. As mandates are lifted, keep your mask along to wear it inside when requested or when safe distancing isn’t possible.
Contact CCL if you would like help navigating the system or have questions, and we’ll do our best to get you the most up-to-date answers and help you may need. Email or call 603-795-0603.
Extending a Warm Upper Valley Welcome
If you would like to be involved with our new Afghan neighbors in Lyme, Hanover, and other Upper Valley locations, please contact Martha Tecca (, 603-795-0603). She helps coordinate the Lyme/Upper Valley Neighborhood Support Team, partnering with Ascentria Care Services, a state resettlement office. CCL launched the Welcome Fund to help. Donations to the CCL Welcome Fund support Afghan evacuees in Lyme and across the Upper Valley, and others displaced by challenging circumstances. Go to or mail a check to CCL at PO Box 127 Lyme, NH 03768. Please note that your donation is for the Welcome Fund.
We are here. Every Day. 603-795-0603 or
Reach out when you or someone you care about needs a hand. If you could use information, help, a listening ear or ways to bring someone else joy, contact us at 603-795-0603 or Our phone is answered every day, usually in person. Our welcoming living room in the Lyme Center Academy is a terrific place to relax, read, visit with friends, or meet with a CCL team member. It is now open often during the week and by appointment. Give us a call to confirm times. Be in touch, any time. You’ll reach a friendly voice, a little (or a lot of) help, and creative, safe ways to be involved.
Coming up:
There is a LOT going on out there! Check out the Lyme Events Calendar (a selection of events from lots of calendars), the Valley News Calendar (especially for all kinds of arts in the area, but lots more), Lyme organizations (see several links at the end of this message) or the Aging Resource Center for ideas.
Lyme is happening!
We are pleased to pass on news shared by Lyme organizations.
- Collaborative programs between CCL & Matt Brown Fine Art.
- Sunday, March 13, 5pm, hosted by CCL on Zoom: “Bringing to Life Danjuro VIII, Woodblock Prints by Utagawa Kunisada” Curious about all of Matt’s fuss over these woodblock prints of 170 years ago? Curious what we have put together at the MBFA gallery in downtown Lyme? This will be an arm-chair travel time to a world very different from our own. Including a video tour of the show in the gallery, a presentation of some of the show’s print highlights, and a discussion re-imagining the kabuki theater world of Edo Japan in the 19th century, we will aim to explore the dramatic potentials of these color woodblock printed sheets, designs printed from carved wood-blocks, the same way I make my own woodblock prints today. Please register here.
- Sunday, March 27, 5 pm, a Zoom discussion hosted by CCL: “The Energy Theory of Color”, a Printmaker and Professor Dialogue. Printmaker Matt Brown and Professor of Psychology Ming Meng will engage in a Zoom dialogue describing their ongoing work exploring their mutually invented color theory – a meet-up of the differing outlooks of scientist and artist seeking to describe aspects of visual thinking. Register here.
- Post Pond Ice Rink. Stop by to skate! Be sure to check the Listserv for updates on the rink’s status as it relates to weather and maintenance. What complicated weather we’ve had for ice maintenance! If you missed The ice rink maintenance crew’s Listserv post, review it here. There is a lot of information on how to safely and responsibly enjoy this community amenity.
- Lyme Congregational Church. Sunday worship is at 10:30am. Bring a mask. ALL WELCOME! Go to for more information.
- Lyme Food Pantry. CCL hosts every Tuesday at 1pm at Lyme Congregational Church. Call ahead to let us know what you’d like, or just stop by. DELIVERY AVAILABLE.
- Celebrate St. Paddy’s Day with the Food Pantry – Tuesday, March 15 – The food pantry team will be distributing corned beef and fixings for an Irish boiled dinner. As we say at the Food Pantry, “Everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day”. Let us help you celebrate. Order your corned beef and cabbage today and we may even help you with a few recipes.
- FREE Reiki with Stephanie Carney at the CCL office. Weekly. Wednesdays at noon. To make an appointment contact Stephanie at or by phone at 603-795-2419. Learn more here.
- Those Guys. First Wednesday monthly meeting, 3/2 at 7:30am by Zoom. An informal Lyme service organization. For more information and to join in, email
- Happy Feet Clinic. CCL hosts three Thursdays a month at the Lyme Center Academy Building. Appointment required. Expert foot care with nurse Susan Hannah Rose. Call 802-296-1112 0r email to schedule a time. *Please be aware, there is a waitlist at this time. We would be glad to add you, though it may be some time before we can book an appointment with Susan. We’re happy to help you explore options in the meantime.
- Lyme Library. Please visit the library website for current information on hours and programs.
*NOTE: For any event that’s not online, please be prepared with a mask and clean hands. Safety guidance, and hosts’ comfort continues to evolve.
Check out the Lyme Events Calendar for a full listing of upcoming events selected for Lyme and neighboring communities.
Calendar information is gathered from multiple sources, including:
Lyme and other local listservs
Lyme Library Calendar
Lyme Community and Church Newsletter
Lyme School Events Listing
Town of Lyme Website
Daybreak Upper Valley daily newsletter Click to subscribe
Valley News online calendar
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Aging Resource Center
Please share any additions or edits to calendar items, so that we can include them in the online calendar.
We are here for you.
When you seek information, help, or ways to help others, contact us.
The Lyme Community Help Line:
call 795-0603 or email
Connection to resources you need now to stay active, involved, and well.
Lyme Food Pantry or prepared meals. Deliveries or errands. Help around home.
Just a chat. You name it.

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