CCL Weekly Update – 12/26/2020

Living the “Dream”(ing)

We’re in for a White Christmas! That’s what so many dream of every year. Thursday’s snow was a wallop. What perfect timing for a true, old-fashioned snow day. And it truly has left a winter wonderland. Wasn’t it interesting how we went from feeling trapped inside by the virus, literally overnight, to feeling excited (or at least warm and cozy) because of a stay-at-home snow day? Our mindset has power!

Of course, it’s not always a dream. Snow is also dangerous and a lot of work; and it makes it hard to get around, even if all we’re trying to do is take a little walk. Please be careful out there. Some gentle, friendly reminders as we get used to winter after this first big snow: When you shovel, take your time. Bring a ski pole or two along for your walk. Put on your microspikes. Don’t have microspikes? Let’s talk. Take care when you are driving, as road and driveway conditions vary (can you tell there’s some experience in this note?) Make sure your heat exhaust pipes are uncovered and not blocked by snow. And, get some help.

Sharing the spirit. We are so touched by the bright energy flowing all around us. The lights have been beautiful, popping up in new places this year. All those efforts to lift spirits are so welcome. We also hear friends wondering what they can do with some of the holiday spirit they can’t share with their usual people. Here are some thoughts: Check in with neighbors and loved ones, near and far. Like the sparkling snow, an unexpected cheery voice is a special thing. See if you might give someone a hand … with the snow, with holiday decorations, with a trip to the store. Share some of your holiday cooking or baking bounty. Buy local! There is so much fabulousness to purchase safely and easily right nearby. Also, consider gift cards to local restaurants and stores – as presents and for your later use. The cash now is so important to especially small businesses right now. If you’d like ideas or specific projects to help with, please contact us. We’ve got a couple of things in the works this week, and your help would be welcome.

The Lyme School Giving Tree is virtual this year, sponsored by the PTO. They’ve gathered wish lists from families, Lyme School staff, the Library and CommunityCare of Lyme. Click here to see the wish lists and learn how to do some giving. The deadline for family gifts is Monday. Please be generous to help families who could really use the boost. 

Jingle All The Way! Virtual Variety Show – December 23rd at 7pm, and available to watch afterwards. There’s still time to contribute something to the show … Music, a poem, a simple greeting, art, dance, photos … you name it! We’d especially like YOU to be part of the virtual community choir singing Silent Night. Just send Thomas (Mr. Chapin) an audio or video recording or images at by Sunday (tomorrow). Instructions and more information at Call 603-795-0603 with questions.

There are lots of events and fun you can join virtually or safely outside. As you seek for them,take a look at the Lyme Events Calendar, the Valley News Calendar, or the Aging Resource Center  for ideas. The calendars include free and by-donation food and meals throughout the season.

The Lyme Food Pantry will be at Lyme Congregational Church. We’ll be set up at the back entrance, with the ramp. As usual, pick up will be Tuesday at 1, after the Willing Hands delivery of fresh produce. Park, and we’ll deliver what you like. This week we will have holiday specials, as pre-requested. Please call 795-0603 with an order for non-perishable items or special holiday request.   

Choose kindness. As we close in on our Holiday plans, whatever they may be, and continue our vigilant effort to be aware and compliant with Covid recommendations, let’s remember that no one gets or gives this virus on purpose. It’s a sneaky devil and that’s why we proceed with precautions and care. Families dealing with this are deserving of our kindness and our understanding … which we are so very good at. 

Wishing you a marvelous and manageable week before Christmas.

With Love,  Patty & Martha

Patty Jenks

Martha Tecca

603-795-0603 (CCL office)

Coming up this week: 

Please be extra-careful about keeping yourself and others safe and healthy. Wear an appropriate mouth and nose covering when you are in public. Keep a safe distance. Stay home if you are sick at all. And please be kind, as you encourage others to practice safe behaviors. ❤️ ?.

Please check out the Lyme Events Calendar online.

Event information is gathered from multiple sources including the town, library, local bulletins and businesses. Here are a few direct links to organizations’ full schedules:

Please share any additions or edits to calendar items, so that we can include them in the online calendar.

We are here for you.
When you seek information, help, or ways to help others, contact us.

The Lyme Community Help Line:
call 795-0603 or email

Lyme Food Pantry or prepared meals. Deliveries or errands. Help around home. You name it.

Click here to check out the Lyme Events Calendar
Things are happening!