CCL Weekly Update – 10/1/2021
Feeling the touch.
I decided to make a double batch of bread this morning. Twice the ingredients; twice the work. All by hand, I enjoy watching the components come together allowing me the pleasure of creating and the time to reflect. All hands-on, I create by feeling, touching and trusting.
I think of the relatively few parts … all critical to this particular effort. And I think of the similarities of this creation and the past weekend’s Health & Wellness Fair.
Like the bread, the Fair had critical working components, which allowed for a fine final product. With the Fair, it started with the Town Board of Selectmen and Police Department trusting that the event would be managed well and allowing the event on the Common – a place donated many years ago by Mr. Barnes for the use and enjoyment of the town. It’s a fair bet Mr. Barnes didn’t envision as much vehicular traffic or parking issues, but he knew the place was perfect for coming together.
Added to that were the efforts by CommunityCare of Lyme’s planning team and Lyme PTO coordinating together and in conjunction with the Lyme Historians to make a day long (a triple batch) event come together smoothly.
Finally, and certainly not the least important component, were the wonderful people who jumped in to help with set up, break down and clean up.
All these ingredients – like the yeast and sugar and flour blending together – follow a plan and also adjust by feel and trust to create the final product. And Saturday was a pretty good one!
In any creative process, some things are unpredictable, and there’s usually room for improvement. It’s good components, combined with organization, preparation, attention to detail, adjusting to conditions … and all things working together … that makes the difference.
From my perspective as the baker, the bread is fine, despite the trickiness of the double recipe and cool temperatures. Reports are that it may even be better than fine. Likewise, despite some extra challenges and concerns that 2021 brought us all, Saturday’s events added up to a great day in Lyme – a happy memory for friends in town and from all over the Upper Valley who participated and enjoyed the day.
Sincere appreciation to all who helped and contributed, provided council, parking options and insights, were patient with the “recipe”, and appreciated the outcome. You can read more and see pictures here.
Hoping you all feel the touch of this early fall, with misty mornings that segue into sun, smells of bread baking and fall leaves.
News and Notes:
Lyme Health & Wellness Fair – Photos and HUGE Thanks!
Many people – and a glorious day – contributed to an uplifting and educational morning. We have shared a long list of heartfelt thanks, along with photos from the Fair, here. Please take a look, and join us in celebrating all the collaborators, supporters, and participants that led to a special, healthy day in community. We would LOVE to include your photos from the event! Please share photos here.
Did you attend? We would appreciate your feedback to continue improving the Lyme Health & Wellness Fair for 2022. Please click here to share your thoughts.
Covid Update
Information from the Lyme Emergency Management Director regarding the availability of booster shots (third doses of vaccine):
If you have received the Pfizer vaccine and completed your vaccination series at least 6 months ago, the booster recommendations from the CDC are for the following individuals:
- People 65 years and older and residents in long-term care settings should receive a booster shot of Pfizer-BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine.
- People aged 50–64 years with underlying medical conditions should receive a booster shot of Pfizer-BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine.
- People aged 18–49 years with underlying medical conditions may receive a booster shot of Pfizer-BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine based on their individual benefits and risks.
- People aged 18-64 years who are at increased risk for COVID-19 exposure and transmission because of occupational or institutional setting may receive a booster shot of Pfizer-BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine based on their individual benefits and risks.
For those eligible who wish to schedule an appointment, you may contact your medical provider or find a listing and map of locations and make an appointment at This website allows you to search for vaccine providers that are offering Pfizer vaccine specifically.
Moderna and J&J booster information will be forthcoming some time in October to November We will keep you informed.
Please continue with mitigation practices particularly if you go outside of the Upper Valley area.
October is Arts and Humanities Month
Throughout the month, we will share information and local resources for engaging in events and programs that lift up the arts and culture. Here are just a few for your consideration:
- Wild About Watercolor Community Art Exhibit – Matt Brown Fine Art. 10/2 is your last day to submit artwork to this gallery exhibit.
- 12- Person Art Show in the Historic Red Barn on Whipple Hill Road in Lyme. Enjoy work by local artists in a scenic location this weekend (10/2 and 10/3) .
- Enjoy New England Legends with Jeff Belanger next Friday, 10/8 at the library in Goshen, NH. Jeff Belanger gives a tour of haunts, monsters, aliens and weird history from the region.
- The Dartmouth Aging Resource Center extensive list of programs includes drawing, singing, and poetry readings. Read the latest ARC weekly update to learn more about the offerings.
- NH Humanities supports programming and events throughout our state. Learn more about their upcoming events here. Many are virtual too!
Do you have an arts or culture program you would like us to share? Email
Weekly health and well-being tips, resources, and recipes …
Monday’s Menu. This week’s Monday’s Menu is: Blueberry Oatmeal Pancakes. Anna states, “Your whole family will fall in love with these wholesome and delicious pancakes! They are 100% nutritious and healthy, made with oatmeal, whole wheat flour, and sweet blueberries. No butter, oil, or sugar!! These pancakes have become a Sunday morning favorite in our household from the young to the old!” Can’t wait to try it! Click here to see all the Monday’s Menu recipes.
Wellness Wednesday. This week, we shared information provided by Kathy Harvard from the Alzheimer’s Association of NH/VT, including a Youtube video research update and information about this Saturday’s Walk to End Alzheimers. Read the post here and see more information about the walk below. See all Wellness Wednesday posts here.
If you have a wellness tip or a healthy recipe you would like to share, please contact
Walk to End Alzheimers – Saturday 10/2
Funds raised through Walk to End Alzheimer’s further the care, support and research efforts of the Alzheimer’s Association. Meet this Saturday at Hanover High School. Registration at 8 am | Ceremony at 9 am | Walk at 9:30 am. Register and get more information here.
If you would like to learn more about Alzheimer’s, Converse Free Library has many resources available in the library catalog. Learn more about their holdings through their post via their Facebook page, or by stopping by to see their display.
We are here. Every day. 603-795-0603 or
Reach out when you or someone you care about needs a hand. If you could use information, help, a listening ear or ways to bring someone else joy, contact us at 603-795-0603 or Our phone is answered every day, usually in person. Our welcoming living room in the Lyme Center Academy is a terrific place to relax, read, visit with friends, or meet with a CCL team member. It is now open often during the week and by appointment. Give us a call to confirm times. Be in touch, any time. You’ll reach a friendly voice, a little (or a lot of) help, and creative, safe ways to be involved.
Coming up:
There is a LOT going on out there! Check out the Lyme Events Calendar (a selection of events from lots of calendars), the Valley News Calendar (especially for all kinds of arts in the area, but lots more), Lyme organizations (see several links at the end of this message) or the Aging Resource Center for ideas.
Lyme is happening!
We are pleased to pass on news shared by Lyme organizations.
- Lyme Gardeners. “Pardon my Garden”. Last of the season is at Mary Kelley and Phil Pochoda’s in Lyme on Tuesday, 10/5 at 4:30pm.
- Those Guys. Monthly first Wednesday in-person meeting.
- Lyme Library. Please visit the library website for the most up to date information on hours, and programs. Blisters for Books is back! October 7. Learn more about how to support it here.
- Happy Feet Clinic. CCL hosts three Thursdays a month at the Lyme Center Academy Building. Appointment required. Expert foot care with nurse Susan Hannah Rose. Call 802-296-1112 0r email to schedule a time.
- Lyme Food Pantry. CCL hosts every Tuesday at 1pm at Lyme Congregational Church. Call ahead to let us know what you’d like (603-795-0603), or just stop by. DELIVERY AVAILABLE.
- Lyme Congregational Church. In person worship is back! Sundays at 10:30am. Bring a mask. Join in the annual world-wide Crop Hunger Walk in Lyme, Sunday 10/2. Meet at LCC at 11:30.
- Lyme Historians. Museum and Barn are open on Saturdays and Wednesdays through October. Chesley Schoolhouse will open one last time on October 10th, 2-4pm.
Save the Date – CCL Blue Jeans and Bluegrass party. Celebrate Community!
Sunday (10/17) 3-7PM at Ramsdens’ Barn on Breck Hill. A celebration of YOU: volunteers, partners, neighbors, and friends! We’ll have a pig roast, scrumptious sides, and delicious desserts for you to enjoy. Break out your dancing shoes! Dan Freihofer and the Dinosaurs will be playing live bluegrass music throughout the event. Everyone is invited. We each did our best to make it through a couple of challenging years, and we’re still moving forward. That’s what makes our strong, loving, and resilient community. And that’s something to celebrate! Do you have questions about the event, or would you like to help? Contact or 603-795-0603.
Check out the Lyme Events Calendar for a full listing of upcoming events selected for Lyme and neighboring communities.
Calendar information is gathered from multiple sources, including:
Lyme and other local listservs
Lyme Library Calendar
Lyme Community and Church Newsletter
Lyme School Events Listing
Town of Lyme Website
Daybreak Upper Valley daily newsletter Click to subscribe
Valley News online calendar
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Aging Resource Center
Please share any additions or edits to calendar items, so that we can include them in the online calendar.
We are here for you.
When you seek information, help, or ways to help others, contact us.
The Lyme Community Help Line:
call 795-0603 or email
Connection to resources to stay active, involved, and well.
Lyme Food Pantry or prepared meals. Deliveries or errands. Help around home.
Just a chat. You name it.

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