CCL Update – August 19, 2017
The summer is flying by
… with vacation and hard work, beautiful warm weather and rain, joy and great sadness. I am grateful to be experiencing it with you.
Since our last visit:

The “We Have Each Other” project continues.
Mariah Lang has interviewed 6 individuals so far about the joys and jumbles of living in Lyme today. She will finish her internship with CCL in early August, but interviews will continue with different interviewers. If you’re interested in this project please contact Patty. It’s turned out to be a terrific exercise in learning about Lyme today (as opposed to 50 years ago) and will enable us to gain momentum in providing the support folks need now. Our sincerest appreciation to Mariah for sharing her summer with us. Her beautiful smile, upbeat and creative attitude have been a true pleasure. We are grateful that she has offered to stay involved long distance!

Listener Training: An opportunity to learn the art of interviewing and listening took place on July 21st.
Our first listener training was led by Cayla Dyer of the United Valley Interfaith Project, and ten people attended. Our group included engaged community members from Lyme and neighboring towns, with a diverse set of goals in listening.
This was an interesting educational opportunity and a chance to discuss the many ways listening more generously will benefit us as individuals and as a community.
We hope to expand on the techniques we explored and offer additional training sessions. One idea that emerged during our conversation was a large group learning session, breaking into one-to-one sessions listening to one another’s stories. Doesn’t it sound like fun?

“Our Hour” Thursday September 14th at 12:30-1:30pm at the CCL office
This is time set aside for those who just want an hour of simple visit and down time. Treats of the day will be provided by whoever has been cooking! Please join us for a good visit blended with laughter and relaxing.

Reiki Healing by Stephanie Carney Tuesdays at 10:30am at the CCL Office
Stephanie will be back in mid-September. This is a great opportunity for anyone who would like to try this amazing therapy.
What is Reiki Healing? Reiki is a Japanese technique used for relaxation and the reduction of stress. The technique is based on the principle of unseen life force energy. It is practiced by laying hands on or above an area of the body and allowing the life force energy to flow freely for people to feel alive. It is thought when energy is low, people are more likely to be ill or stressed, and when it is high, people are likely to be well and happy. Treatments produce feelings of peace, security and wellness

Back to School Pot Luck and Celebration of Grandparents Day Sunday, September 10th 4-6pm at the Lyme Center Academy Building
You are warmly invited to join us on the Academy Building beautiful back lawn for a warm, intergenerational Pot Luck bonanza. Come share a meal, meet new friends, watch the kids play, and relax on a Sunday afternoon as the school schedule picks up. CCL will provide desserts, beverages, a few lawn games, and some tables and chairs. Those Guys are providing a tent. Bring a dish to share, and maybe a blanket or lawn chairs. Click here for more details.

Atul Gawade Simulcast on Community and Choice September 25th 4:30-6:30pm at the Lyme Inn
CommunityCare of Lyme is pleased to host a “watch party” and conversation. Dr. Atul Gawande, author of Being Mortal, will speak on
“The Value of Community and Choice as We Grow Older” in Boston to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the founding of Beacon Hill Village.
We will gather over refreshments at 4:30pm and simulcast the program 5-6pm. Conversation will follow, 6-6:30pm.
Please join us! Let us know if you will attend, so that we can plan for seating and refreshments. To RSVP or to ask questions, click contact us above or call 603-795-0603 and leave a message.
Aging in Community:

Aging in Place Committee meeting August 23rd 6pm at CCL Gathering Room
We will review planning board efforts and discuss educational materials for healthy and safe aging.
The Art of Aging….we hope it’s a continuing saga. CommunityCare of Lyme is host to many programs designed to encourage health and wellbeing.
And remember, we’re all aging! Although the “seasoned” set does face unique issues and challenges, the younger crowd isn’t without its own angst. The huge obligations and commitments to family, demanding jobs and the price of living in today’s world can take the fun out of a good day. Good mental and physical health are paramount to coping with the pressures. We can all help each other.
Part of Aging in Community is being a helpful part of the changing community. Watch for programs offered by CCL to help with coping skills and techniques for all age groups.

Awareness and Caution
It’s a sad reality that there are people among us who set traps and lie in wait to take advantage of unsuspecting, trusting individuals. What can appear to be an innocent phone call, mailing or email can actually be a clandestine effort to gain personal information making us vulnerable to identity theft, or theft of assets and belongings. It is very difficult to track these people and even more difficult to recoup your losses.
Unless you are very sure of the business or individual requesting your support, walk away. Never provide your Social Security number, your credit card information or your checking account information. If the caller is talking about something that truly interests you, request that they send you information in writing via the postal service. That buys you time and provides you with what you need to make an informed decision. If the answer to this request is negative, hang up. Legitimate entities have written information and policies.
Finally, if you feel that you or someone you know is a victim of identity theft or elder abuse, call your local police department. They are trained to know what to look for and the proper agencies to work with. Never be embarrassed, they’re here to help and we all need help occasionally.
Stay well and stay tuned as we continue to explore the Art of Aging.
Grateful for the People of Lyme:
Welcome New Lyme Neighbors!
Nathaniel & Genevieve Brown
Sarah & Allan Dooley
It is great sadness that we extend loving sympathy to Maureen Byrne and the family of Tom Hughes. Tom was a true supporter of Lyme and our life together, often communicating with us about different ideas he had concerning CCL. His passing leaves us with aching hearts and feeling a huge void as it’s hard to imagine life in Lyme without his fun grin, happy greeting and constant interest in our well being. Rest in Peace, dear Friend.
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