Recognizing Important Cultural Contributions of the AANHPI Communities

Message from Fauve Dela Cruz

Shared 5/15/24

Dear Friends,

As May unfolds, we at CommunityCare of Lyme are excited to celebrate Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Month. This month allows us to appreciate the profound contributions of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders to our community and our nation’s cultural landscape.

The gifts from AANHPI communities touch our lives daily, bringing us age-old practices that heal and harmonize body and mind. Whether it’s the graceful discipline of martial arts, the flowing movements of Tai Chi, the nurturing energy of Reiki, the tranquil depth of Meditation, or the balancing harmony of Yoga, these traditions have become a cherished part of our wellness routines, offering us ways to find peace, balance, and strength.

We warmly invite you to explore these meaningful practices with us. Throughout this month, we aim to deepen our understanding and appreciation of the diverse cultures and heritages within the AANHPI communities. It’s a wonderful opportunity to integrate new knowledge and experiences into our daily lives, enriching our community’s well-being.

Exploring new cultures and practices opens doors to appreciation, connection, and personal growth. This month, let’s come together to welcome the wisdom and beauty of AANHPI communities into our hearts and homes.

Wishing you a joyful and enlightening AANHPI Month! Together, let’s make it a warm, welcoming, and transformative journey.

With all my best,

Fauve Dela Cruz

Some Opportunities in the Community to Explore Different Practices:

Yoga: Remedy Yoga Therapeutics  |  Hanover Yoga

Reiki: Stephanie Carney  |  DeLeon Day Spa

Martial Arts: Okinawan Karate Academy  |  Taekwondo  |  Tai Chi Long Wind

Every Wednesday, CommunityCare of Lyme lifts up a wellness topic, embracing the widest possible definition of individual and community well-being. We include local and national resources, individual and group programs and practices, and personal stories, videos, or songs that have something to teach us all. We are always seeking guest contributors! 

If you have a wellness-themed topic you would like to share or learn more about, please reach out to

Shelby Wood
Manager of Volunteer Participation
CommunityCare of Lyme
802-468-7776 (cell)
603-795-0603 (CCL office and help line)