CCL Weekly Update – 6/25/2021
What a difference a day (and a year) makes!
On this lovely morning, there’s much to appreciate and be grateful for: The lovely place we call home. The wonderful friends and neighbors we can depend on for reinforcements when we need them. The generous souls that keep our worlds spinning no matter what, with gifts of time, talents, and resources. As CCL begins its fiscal new year on July 1, we remember you all with great love and appreciation for your trust and support. Thank you for whatever you can give to enable the continuance of reliable resources and community spirit. You make everything we do possible.
Along with the fiscal new year come many events and adventures! Some will be a recovery of gatherings after our Covid induced hiatus. Some will be new for your consideration. All will be with the intent to gather together again, enjoying our people and our space. The CommunityCare of Lyme living room and office will be open, beginning in July, with expanded hours. Watch the Lyme Events Calendar and messages for details as they come together.
Today, I am delighted to invite you to two special events:
- On Monday, July 12th at 12:30pm, it’s our third Lawn Party Luncheon at the Teccas’ home on the Connecticut River in Orford. Always a collaborative effort, the Orford Senior Center is co-hosting, neighbors are preparing the meal, Those Guys are raising a tent, and the Orford-Fairlee Lions are lending tables and chairs. All are welcome and donations will be gratefully accepted. Please let us know if you’ll join for lunch and if you’d like to help in any way. Call 795-0603 or reply to this email.
- On Wednesday, July 21st at 5:30pm, come share a Community Meal on the Common under Those Guys tents. It will be a chance to gather as a community and welcome over 50 new Lyme neighbors! Organizations and businesses are encouraged to join in to say hello, share what they do and opportunities to be involved. Everyone is invited to bring something for the feast, and it will be served safely. There will be tables and chairs from Lyme Congregational Church, and you are free to bring a blanket or your own lawn chairs to spread out as you like. Lots more to come. Do you have questions, or would you like to help? Call or email us.
With the passage of time, comes the passing of friends and neighbors … and the passing on of recognitions. Last week, we mentioned Eleanor Mudge, the holder of the Boston Post Cane, receiving it when she was 100 years old, and passing it along a week before she turned 104. Our thoughts and prayers are extended to the Mudge Family in their loss of an amazing matriarch. The new recipient of the Cane (which comes to her in the form of certificate & plaque because the actual cane resides safely in the Lyme Town Offices) is Fran Tullar. I always think of her as Mrs. Tullar, as she was my second grade teacher at the Lyme school. Mrs. Tullar celebrated her 98th birthday on March 14th. Loving congratulations to her!
We wish you many opportunities to gather and enjoy all that’s new, and all that’s still here, at home.
News and Notes:
Celebrating this month …
Agriculture – Showcasing the hard work of our local farmers and gardeners. We celebrate the past, present and future of agriculture in our community. We have so many skilled and dedicated women, men, and children raising crops, animals, flowers, and more, benefitting our health, well-being, economy, and the earth. Watch for stories, photos, and activities throughout the month!
- Local farmers markets are open! Hanover on Wednesdays, Lebanon on Thursdays, Hartland on Fridays, Norwich on Saturdays.
- From the VegiCare team: “LETTUCE be mindful, here’s a HEADS up! … please plant an extra row or two, to share your bounty with many or few.” The season starts on July 5th, with Monday drop off of vegetables and fruit to share. A team of volunteers delivers the harvest to grateful neighbors. Growers and deliverers are always welcome! Contact Mimi (, 603-381-2074) or Dayle (, 802-359-4346) with questions or to share your veggies or thyme.
If you appreciate or are involved in local agriculture, and would like folks to know more, please email
Pride Month – Love is Love. Here are two events this week, celebrating inclusion for all:
- June 26. The People’s Pride Burlington. 1pm.
- June 26. Nashua Pride Festival. Held virtually at 3pm.
Please contact us to share stories or resources in support of Pride month, and always let us know how CCL might help you or someone you know. Email or call 603-795-0603.
Weekly health and well-being tips, resources, and recipes …
Monday’s Menu. Click here to read this week’s recipe, Strawberry Oatmeal Cookies, from Anna Pippin, MSHN. Anna says, “These are nutritious, soft and chewy oatmeal cookies with a delicious strawberry twist! These are easy to make and have no refined sugars. They will make a great snack or treat!” Click here to see all the Monday’s Menu recipes.
Wellness Wednesday. Click here for this week’s post, “Reef Safe and UV Smart” submitted by Shelby Wood. Based on headlines about the Great Barrier Reef this week, we look at and explore how our choice of sunscreen impacts the environment, and how we can make simple choices to take care of our bodies while being good stewards of the earth. See all the Wellness Wednesday posts here.
If you have a wellness tip or a healthful recipe you would like to share, please contact
Those Guys Tent Rentals.
Those Guys will once again be renting their tents for this coming outdoor season. As always, funds raised through this effort are distributed to community organizations. This post includes all the details.
We celebrate retiring Lyme Parish Nurse, Kari Allen!
Kari has worked tirelessly, with such love and skill, attending to the health and well-being of everyone who needed her. With love and gratitude, we wish Kari all the blessings in her next adventures. We are delighted that she and her huge heart will continue to be involved in Lyme! New Lyme Parish Nurse Kathy Watson has joined the team. She can be reached in the same ways: email, or call the church at 603-795-2850.
We are here. Every day. 603-795-0603 or
Reach out when you or someone you care about needs a hand. If you could use information, help, a listening ear or ways to make someone else feel really good, contact us at 603-795-0603 or You’ll reach a friendly voice, a little (or a lot of) help, and creative, safe ways to be involved.
We partner with organizations and generous volunteers to connect you with just the right resources and opportunities to get involved, in Lyme and in nearby communities: Vaccination support. Trusted “handy” helpers for small jobs (reasonable rates or at no cost). Volunteers for deliveries, errands, technology support, and more. Food. Jenks Fund help with special “little things” to ease your mind or lift the spirits. You name it. And you can join in, in so many ways.
Coming up:
There is a LOT going on out there! Check out the Lyme Events Calendar (a selection of events from lots of calendars), the Valley News Calendar (especially for all kinds of arts in the area, but lots more), Lyme organizations (see several links at the end of this message) or the Aging Resource Center for ideas.
Lyme is happening!
We are pleased to pass on news shared by Lyme organizations about their summer plans. Click on the links for details …
- Bargain Barn. Open with M,W,F and Saturday hours. Clothing, bric-a-brac, household objects, linens, jewelry and accessories, among other items. Proceeds benefit area nonprofit organizations.
- Lyme Historians. Museum and Barn are open on Saturdays and Wednesdays. Grand Opening of the Chesley Schoolhouse on Sunday. It will be open four summer Sundays.
- Lyme Gardeners. “Pardon my Garden” on Tuesdays. Weekly visits to local gardens (times vary.)
- Lyme Library. Now Open for regular hours with lots of programming. The Summer Reading Program is underway.
- VegiCare. The season begins July 5th, with Monday drop-offs of gardeners’ bounty and love-filled produce deliveries to Lyme neighbors. Plant your extra row now!
- Crossroads Academy. Weekly summer programs. New topics each week. Remember that the Pearl Dimick Fund offers summer camp scholarships. The Jenks Fund can also help.
This next week, don’t miss:
- Tuesday (6/29) at 1pm: Lyme Food Pantry Fresh Produce and Staples Pick-up or Delivery at Lyme Congregational Church. Farmers market style fresh produce from Willing Hands, Pete & Gerry’s Eggs, and local bakers. All who ask can receive a box of non-perishable items. Gift cards for other groceries and prepared meals are also available. Boxes of food may be ordered ahead, and if we’re asked for something special we’ll do our best to make it available. There is plenty. Contact us at 795-0603 or
- Sunday (7/4): Independence Day. Here are opportunities of note: Orford-Fairlee celebration: Food Trucks, Parade (11am), Take-out Chicken BBQ (noon), Pie & Ice Cream, Beer on Tap, Music (5pm), Lake Morey Fireworks (dusk). Town of Hartford celebration: Food Vendors, Music, Family Entertainment, Fireworks. Events start at 7 p.m. Fireworks at Dusk. We understand things are brewing, and we’ll look to share more next week.
Save the Date:
- Monday (7/12): Lawn Party Luncheon on the River. 12:30pm at Teccas’ home in Orford. Co-hosted by CommunityCare of Lyme and the Orford Senior Center. Lyme and Orford community members all welcome! Meal prepared by neighbors. Donations welcome. To RSVP or offer help, email or call 795-0603. Please share with neighbors who won’t see this note.
- Wednesday (7/21): Community Meal – Welcome Home! 5:30pm on the Lyme Common.
Come and welcome over 50 new Lyme neighbors! Everyone is invited to bring something you enjoy sharing for the meal. Lyme organizations will be there to share what they’re doing and how you might get involved, as post-pandemic plans are taking shape. It will be safe, informal, and fun! More to come. Email or call 795-0603, if you’d like to be involved.
- Saturday (9/25): The Lyme Health & Wellness Fair, on the Common. Planning is underway! Please reach out to if you’d like to learn more or be a part of it.
Check out the Lyme Events Calendar for a full listing of upcoming events selected for Lyme and neighboring communities.
Calendar information is gathered from multiple sources, including:
Lyme and other local listservs
Lyme Library Calendar
Lyme Community and Church Newsletter
Lyme School Events Listing
Town of Lyme Website
Daybreak Upper Valley daily newsletter Click to subscribe
Valley News online calendar
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Aging Resource Center
Please share any additions or edits to calendar items, so that we can include them in the online calendar.
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