At its core, Thetford Academy is an independent school with a public purpose. For nearly 200 years, the Academy has served as the community school for the town of Thetford and a school of choice for neighbors in surrounding areas. Today, students come from more than a dozen towns in Vermont and New Hampshire, and from countries around the world, to become a part of this close-knit educational community.
Every day, Thetford Academy fulfills its educational mission to celebrate the worth of all students, to nurture their strengths, and to challenge them to reach their potential. At TA, highly qualified teachers, recognized for their innovative approach to teaching and learning, are passionate about engaging every student. And with more than 100 courses, TA’s curriculum is designed to be flexible and accessible.
The Academy embraces a diverse community of students with a wide range of learning styles. It asks both teachers and students to experiment, stretch their boundaries, and take risks as learners. In this environment—where diversity is acknowledged, respected, and celebrated—students gain the skills they need to take advantage of life’s opportunities and the tools they need to overcome its challenges.